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Legal Comedy: A Conversation Between Armie Hammer and Robert Kardashian

Armie Hammer Robert Kardashian
Hey Rob, have you ever wondered about the law of one price in economics? Actually, I have! It’s the idea that identical goods should have the same price.
Speaking of laws, have you heard about the law against perpetuities? Yes, it’s a rule that prevents people from creating trusts that last forever. It’s an interesting legal concept.
By the way, what do you think about the legalization of gay marriage? I fully support it. Everyone should have the right to marry whoever they love.
Have you ever had to deal with a roofing contract? Yes, and it can be quite complicated. It’s important to understand the legal aspects of such contracts.
Did you know the International Criminal Court has job opportunities? Really? I never thought about working there, but it sounds intriguing.
And have you heard about the agreement between nations crossword puzzle? That sounds like a fun way to test our knowledge of international treaties.
Before I forget, do you know the legal age to work in a warehouse in the UK? Yes, it’s important to be aware of the regulations regarding the legal working age in different industries.
And what are your thoughts on the DC Bar waive in rules? It’s crucial to understand the exceptions when it comes to bar admission rules.
Well, it’s been an interesting conversation, Rob. It’s always fun to talk about legal topics with you. Agreed, Armie. Legal discussions can be both educational and entertaining.

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